Project 8: Organize the random


Project eight I had to incorporate white out tape in my piece and be able to unify that with biomorphic shapes. I was a little lost on this project and couldn’t really come up with a good idea of how to fully intertwine the elements given to me, but I like what I came up with because I mostly like to do things that are cool looking and spaced out.

Color Wheel: Project 10


Project ten is involving paint hues, primary colors,  and the mixings of tint and shade. In my color wheel, my paint is evenly constructed. I showed percise color hues in my color wheel up in-till you get to the blues, as you can see I did forget to add one blue hue. I was more focused on mixing my purples correctly I didn’t noticed there was one to many. In the five tints I started off good but I didn’t get the gray that we was suppose to get in the middle. For my eight shades I could have made it a lot neater as for the hole thing but over all I believe I accomplished this project.