Project #5: Black and white composition.



In this black and white composition I perfectly showed symmetrical views. I honestly think this was the easiest project yet. I know I could have did a lot more if I had the time, but I still like the design I came up with. I didn’t know that I was suppose to have white on back paper and black on white paper however It still looks like that I did so its hard to tell I did. My composition makes my piece look hold and together and perfectly mirrored which was the goal of the project.

Project #4: Directional Dominance.



My art here is a directional dominance piece and I show that by crossing my lines to show a darker diamond in different areas. When you look at it you can see that it is mostly symmetrical and alined precisely with the other side. I feel that the darker areas would have showed better if I had completed it with pen, then you could fully see the contrast between shading. I like the design mostly because its a great pattern that I love to use.

Project #3: Variation of lines



In my art piece I showed 3 different line variations that describes myself. The thin straight lines describes the way I dress and talk to new people, The wavy thicker line represents my silly out going side, and the bold jagged line matches my crazy out going self. I tried to show that all the lines was connected and unified to show 3 personalities in one. I had used mostly repetition in my piece, I do believe I could have done more but over all its clean and nice.



1st project: Dynamic Composition


In the first project I had utilized the whole picture plane, and I also show repetition through out my lines. I could have made more bold lines and make some of my lines more smooth because they look a bit wavy. I believe I did capture the goal of the project but there is always room for improvement. As you can see its hard to see the vocal point which is the little line dots, so next time I will make the vocal point much bolder or at least more visible to the eye. I do believe I could have through in more shapes and variation in my piece.